My experience with Film-TV 2 this semester has provided me with several skills that I had expected to develop, but also given me opportunities to expand my knowledge and problem-solving […]

Analysis/Reflection #5: Question 1

The colour grading in our documentary was fairly straightforward. We knew from the very beginning that we wanted to have the horror film contrast with the comedy film that we […]

What did you do well? I have always been active in class discussions to further my learning and knowledge about the subject and korsakow. In my spare time I have […]

Question 1: Lighting was an integral element in all the shots of our film. We shot predominantly inside a room so we had full control over the different lighting configurations […]

http://vogmae.net.au/classworks/media/2012/kfilms/lifeisamusical/ ‘Life is a Musical’ This Korsakow film is entitled ‘Life is a Musical’ and is a collage that focus’ on the sounds that occur in everyday life. This multi-linear […]