Self Portrait Written Component – Natasha Khan


Photo (1) Photo (2)

LEFT (Health and Lifestyle)I think this image represents not only one of my favorite foods but the healthy and active lifestyle I enjoy and try to incorporate in to my life. Mangos are amazing to have as a breakfast item and always seem to keep me fuller for longer, fresh fruit is so important in my life as well as keeping up good habits and enough exercise.

RIGHT (Bedroom Design) My bedroom says a lot about me, on my main wall behind the bedrest I have presented all the tickets and trinkets from places I’ve traveled (including plane tickets) as well as concert tickets and other souvenirs I’ve picked up along the way. It represents my desire to travel and to see the world as well as a reflection of everywhere I have already been.

Photo (3) Photo (4)

LEFT (Garden and Home) – I grew up in a very lush suburban area around Doncastor and I’ve always loved being able to have a garden to go out and play in as well as just sit and read, I think I’ve always loved the bush and greenery more than the city life although both play a major role in my life of course going to a University which is city based has changed how I view the city as I’ve been given time to explore it more.

RIGHT (Music Production)As presented in my audio files music has become such an important aspect of my life, I believe this image represents my dedication to my art form and the passion I have in creating. It also demonstrates the instrument I compose on and the types of techniques you can use it for.

Photo (5) Photo (6)

LEFT (Chiaroscuro Lighting and Photography)I am a conceptual thinker and what comes out of this is my love for lighting in photography a well as trying to represent something in an image that people may not necessarily see straight away, I believe life is all about interpretation and I think this image represents my way of viewing things.

RIGHT (Art)Again similar to photography art is a way of self-expression and for me swirling colours together is a major form of stress relief and expressing inner thoughts. This is a picture I recently painted just a few days ago that shows my love for colors as well as sunsets and rises as they present the end of one day and the start of another.


A song which incorporates my singing and I think represents my personality especially the Jazz, soul and blues incorporated into my music which was due to my fathers influence in mo-town.

A secondary beat takes a delve into a different genre of my music making, using more blocked chords and less of the electropop area I truly love, yet it also represents my love for melody and my technical musical background.

A synthetic pop beat is my favorite musical genre, after spending a majority of my saving on a Roland Jupiter 50 I’ve been producing music ever since, this reflects my growing stills on productions.

(all combined/unedited below)

Video 1: Again one of my favorite leisurely thing to do, play an instrument to relieve stress and anxiety before any event, finding ways and hobbies to help my headspace is very important I think this media piece communicates emotions in the lyrics as well as my love for my instrument and passion for creativity.
Video 2: My everyday bus on the way to work and uni, I’ve traveled this route for years, I think looking out the bus window at such a familiar environment really challenges me as when I listen to music and observe I always try to find new things to inspire me.
Video 3: A segment of me playing a different instrument, I think this piece conveys myself in a personal space in my house feeling comfortable whilst doing something I love I also think It represents my fashion style and lifestyle as a whole.


Art, music, creativity
Living fully with festivity,
Always thinking of a new activity,
Something to increase productivity.

There’s a lot of aspects I could tell,
Life for me is a rapid but swell,
I think making words collide,
Is a great way for creativity to divide.

 I choose to write a poem as reflection on how innovation and creativity run my life and how I aspire to think outside the box and create ideas that haven’t been thought of before, It also is a testament to my youth as during my upbringing drama and poetry were a big influence in my life and still are they gave me confidence and self-assurance in all that I do.