This project was filmed by Natasha Khan, Credit and special thanks to Finlay Fitzgerald for participating in my project and for allowing me to record him.
During filming I expected the relationship between the person being filmed and the camera would play a major role, and it did. I think the main observation I have found and learnt through producing this project is that the camera itself has it’s own ‘presence’. When I first started filming the participant noticed the camera quite predominately and was conscious of the way I was filming shots. As the day progressed the alertness between the participant and the camera slowly became more leveled. The participant became more accustomed to it’s presence and it not longer had a ‘stigma’ attached to it. Its interesting to see and observe the relationship between individuals and technology, many individuals do not mind using their phones to be recorded but when it comes to using a professional DSLM camera the dynamic changes. The ‘intent’ behind filming is what makes a lot of people feel awkward– they don’t want to be captured coming across as unlikable or dislike the idea of intimate moments being broadcast-ed. I find it fascinating that the dynamic between social media (such as vlogging) and trying to film professionally (or journalistic-ally) is very different. One would suspect people would become use to the presence of the camera after using applications such as Snapchat and Instgram but this isn’t always the case. Overall this project has made me think about how selective social media has become and how afraid many individuals can be for audience to see their true unfiltered behaviors and personalities. Filming an individuals habits has made me more aware that habits can be an issue that makes them feel awkward and uncomfortable- not everybody wants their intimate behaviors shown.