Week 10 (Thursday the 11th of May)

Emily and I worked upon the weekly video during the week, it wasn’t hard and was a fun task to do but it did take up a little time in a busy week which is always a slight challenge. Never I had fun messing around with different effects and adding them onto the video to create a fun preview of our week.

All our footage has been filmed and we spent week 10’s editing lesson reviewing what kind of footage we had to work with. I practiced playing around with the green screen and our group came to an agreement that a black backdrop with the green screen looked the most professional. I also looked into how our rough cut would be sequenced as well as color grading shots that were shot in the studio that ended up with too much filler light from the harsh redheads that we were provided. I’ll be coming into the studio early next week in order to start editing the rough cut and making some technical changes as I go. Until then.