Month: April 2017


Week 8 (Thursday the 27th of April)

We had planned to shoot today but unfortunately there was a change in events that caused us to re-evaluate our shoot date. The fashion student whose garment we were using was involved near a set of house fires that included her residence, this meant that she would be unable to join us at the shoot and wasn’t able to access her garments.
We used this situation to our advantage- we re planned (in detail) what we needed to film, how we were going to film, the locations and times of filming and the models who would be wearing our garments.

Despite the shoot being cancelled, Lisa, Emily and I still turned up to University to have a group discussion- this meant that we were able to film more behind the scenes footage to add to our film, overall this would capture conflict and we would be able to add that into our film to show that creating a visual piece isn’t always as easy as it may appear to be.


Week 7ab (Thursday the 20th of April)

Our pitch was a platform for delivering our unique concept.
You either do something outside the box and fail or do something safe and never grow. I’d rather fail- and so began a good connection with classmates who wanted to experiment with their film work.
We worked hard thinking, collaborating, and building a group relationship as well as a passion towards to our film.

The ideas remain strong with the only aspect we really need to work on is planning- and by this, I mean booking a set/location and scheduling in times for both the actors and ourselves. I think pre-pitch we knew what we wanted to use as a location, we just had some bad luck with booking the studio as it seemed to always clash with another class and was booked out in advance.

Luckily we have overcome ‘this issue which is a really important aspect as it was the main set back. Another setback is that one of the fashion students has had a house fire and was unable to shoot on the 27th of April as we had originally desired. Dispute this Lisa, Emily and I all still arrived at university to discuss and break down step by stop what we were going to do and to make sure everything was well organised as time is always of the essence.

Furthermore, our pitch really gave insight into experimental ways of thinking (in regards to different ways of filming). Camera angles, mise-en-scene (especially props), editing- these so much that you can alter to make something out of the ordinary.

Overall our next shoot date is the 4th of May, we’ve prepared well and hopefully we can see the shoot through with all of our full potential.



Week 6 (Thursday the 6th of April)

Collaboration with Emily, Lisa and Kasia is going well. We’ve been working on our pitch which is almost completed. I’ve been drawing storyboards in order to grasp different concepts we could potentially use. I like to focus on the style of the out fit that the fashion student has provided and incorporate that into the experimental piece in a way that provides a statement for the film.

We want to display emotions and have a piece that provokes a certain atmosphere. One that includes mystery as well as femme or femininity. Lisa has been working on producing whilst Emily and I work upon mise-en-scene and set design as well as cameras, lighting, audio and other gear. Overall we are ready for the page we have a very good understanding of what we want to achieve and I believe idea is quite different it is unique and it won’t necessarily be easy but it will be something that we can look back at and have learned different skills from.

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