Week 8, Work In Progress (Media 2)
So far I’ve filmed one set of overlays, these were shots from Justine Khamaras exhibition hanging at the Arc One gallery, most of the footage displays her thinking about where she will place each individual piece so that they all connect together. The setting of the gallery is quite minimalist and this goes together with the art which contains a large amount of linear black and white lines. For the actually interview I have booked out a Zoom microphone from AV loans and have also asked for a fill light (which I am hoping to hear back from them on Monday the 12th to get a confirmation).
I will be shooting on the 14th of September which is a Wednesday, I little nervous because I have yet to secure a booking for a room and want to be as professional as possible for Justine’s sake. She’s been quite busy so I am also working within a time limit and schedule which I need to keep as condensed as possible, In regards to crew I will have Stephanie Yeoh to help me out on audio which I am so thankful for (of course in return I have lent my time to her for; if and when she needs it).
Apart from having not booked a room the rest of the filming has been planned I know what questions I will be asking Justine but would also really like to get more footage of her, In case I do not I have asked her to bring along any electronic media and prints she has on a USB that I would be able to use. This is so I have enough overlays whilst she is talking in order to keep a nice pace and the audience watching entertained. I feel confident with filming I’m a little nervous to how the whole day will do as Wednesday is a busy day and before shooting I have a class which Is quite far away and although it should end at roughly 2:30 and I don’t need to set up filming until 3 I do need to make sure it doesn’t run overtime. I’ve scheduled Justine to come in at 3:30pm and meet me outside building 9 which is where I will most likely have booked a room and even if not it’s nice to arrange meeting her so that I don’t have to send out any details at the last minute, she will though have to leave by 5pm which should give me roughly an hour to film with her which If I know exactly what I am doing should be enough.
Last week I was sick with Laryngitis, I really wasn’t able to speak much, I feel like I’ve been having bad luck with my health recently- I hope this doesn’t make me anxious by making me feel like I’m unprepared. I know that once I finish filming the interview editing is my strongest point, and If at the end of the day I really need more overlays I can take shots of VCA (where Justine went to study) and RMIT also just to pop in whilst she talks about her training, shots like that where I don’t need her present are definitely ones I will get to make sure I have enough footage of as I really like a fast-paced piece- that’s something I want to aim hard for.
Week 7, Street Art Video (Media 2)
This week, week 7 I finished planning when I would interview Justine (Wednesday the 14th from 3-5pm) this worked within her busy schedule and I was available within mine. My main worry was I still have not found a room to book within RMIT. Other than this I have booked a Zoom recorder and asked Stephanie to help out on Wednesday to use it. I feel quite anxious as I was sick with Laryngitis last week and missed a few more classes than I would have liked to. I was filled in by fellow students but really need to make the most of this week in order to catch up on information I have missed and to really make sure my 2-3 min presentation is ready and has a lot of detail. I do want to quality of my work to be at a certain standard which if it does not meet I will really not feel satisfied. This week meant finishing off the street art craft exercise which wasn’t too hard, I was missing some of the audio and video files from the transfer but managed to work around it.
Street Art Mini Documentary, Edited by Natasha Khan
Filmed by Tash, Dea, Stephanie, Lupin and Jenny