Stone the flaimin’ crows!
SBS2: Thomas the Tank Engine has a new Aussie mate called Shane
Diversity, It’s almost a compulsory thing now days- we see period dramas with not enough people of ethnicity and we start to get angry. I do however think this was a great idea, any children’s Television show that adds diversity is teaching our younger generation from small ages to respect and acknowledge cultural diversity, especially within out media industry and visual programs. As a child myself I was glad there were many programs with cultural diverse characters (Hey Arnold, The Powerpuff Girls), but then there was an era within Disney (especially aimed at Pre-teens) where characters were predominantly white and attractive but this was also due to the change within childrens’ cartoon shows and children’s shows with real life actors. It will be nice to see more diversity in the real life action shoots for children especially within Disney, hopefully more come along soon.