neutral thinking

I was first unsure about what neutral thinking is but through class discussion I gained a better understanding.

Something neutral cannot be involved or motivated which leaves the question, ‘what is neutral?’

The real only thing that comes to my mind that is believed to be neutral is Switzerland but then again Switzerland is connected to many different things, (neighbouring countries, the red and white colours on their flag which then connects those colours to other objects – red fire trucks) thus losing the ‘neutral’ label.

Everything that we know about has a context so how can anything be known as neutral??

This got me thinking that maybe it’s the things we don’t know about that are neutral. For example before computers were invented they would be considered neutral as no one new about them but as soon as they are invented they are no longer neutral but instead have a context.

It is that idea that I believe creates neutral technology to not exist once discovered. This is the only way I can understand ‘neutral’ but I know that someone else may have their own opinion on neutral technology which allows ‘neutral technology’ to exist after its been discovered.

Maybe one day I will find something to place in the neutral category that has absolutely no context..


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