HTML is not my friend

Today I learnt how to make a HTML and boy was it confusing!
Even though we had instructions given to us I just don’t think I have a very technical eye when it comes to computer terminology. We had to basically write our own code to create a HTML, these codes how ever aren’t as simple as they sound. Betty went through the task with us and I found most people in class were following quite well, me on the other hand thought I was doing ok until it came to the part to include pictures (did i start to fall behind here). I realised that for me the best way to learn HTML was practise as I didn’t complete creating one in class I had to at home. It took me making a few more mistakes until woo hoo I DID IT!!!! I still think HTML is very confusing and more to the point just don’t see my self ever really needing to make one but again you never know when knowing something will come in handy. To sum up my HTML experience I would say I still don’t fully understand them and find it a confusing process to make one but am happy I learnt something new.

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