Visual Blueprint – Blog Post 2

Exploring further into framing and perspective within the frame during the second week of the studio proved to be an enlightening experience. We delved into the realm of masterfully crafted shots from films like “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” which showcased a variety of visually stunning compositions. These shots were akin to kaleidoscopes, blending realism with artistic flair to create captivating visual narratives.
As I worked on refining my pitch, I received valuable advice from Cat to add more depth to the characters’ backstories and the story’s content. Upon more reflection, I came to the following realisation: the central idea of our assignment, “Life is better with a companion,” was expressed not just by the story’s main theme but also by its rich texture and depth.
“Life is better with a companion” alludes to the fundamental human need for social interaction and companionship, providing a deeper definition of this idea. The idea is that it doesn’t matter whether we’re happy, sad, triumphant, or defeated; what matters is that we share our experiences with others. We are shaped and impacted by the companionship we have, which offers support, understanding, and a feeling of belonging.

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