Visual Blueprint – Blog Post 3

The “golden ratio,” previously covered in week 3 of our studio’s topic, is an idea with long roots in the visual arts and design that also has important applications in the film industry. This mathematical theory explains a ratio that is thought to produce visually beautiful compositions; it is present in nature and is sometimes referred to as the heavenly proportion or the golden mean. As far as I can tell, filmmakers would frame items according to the golden ratio to make them look balanced and harmonious. If you want your visuals to be aesthetically pleasing, emotionally engaging, and an asset to the film overall, you should follow this ratio. Filmmakers take great care to frame their shots in accordance with the golden ratio by positioning characters, objects, and topics either inside the spiral or along the lines that cross it. Not only does this method increase visual appeal, but it also gives the impression of symmetry and proportion to the frame. Speaking of symmetry, the pre-production process of Assignment 1 was finalised, which led me move on the production and location scouting in particular. However, symmetrical buildings and structures are not common nor easy to conduct filming. Consequently, most of the shot I composited involved actors blocking and staging to make it seemed symmetrical.

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