Our seminar turned out really well, [HD!] and I’ve been active in participating and contributing to the seminar. I helped a lot and had a lot of fun!!!! 😀
I participated in all the group meetings and is active in sharing my thoughts but I could have been better in attending the tutorials, since I attended only half of them. Another thing I could have done better is help brainstorm & contact the seminar guests. Since this seminar group had 10+ people we divided ourselves into groups handling different parts of the seminar. My seminar is the digital On The Line seminar and I’m in the design & promotion team. We had another team for post-production. I was responsible for creating the bios of the guests as well as backgrounds for the slides. I assisted in the shooting of the promo video, gave input during editing, and selected the music after consulting my teammates. I was active in the discussion of the seminar theme, our attire, suggesting glowsticks, as well as discussion of refreshments & food and helped stock up on it [bought bottled water]. I helped with moving equipments & props and setting up the staging. I have also helped organize and making sure that we had everything before the actual seminar.
In the seminar series I learned better to work in a team and making sure to be pro active [not waiting to be told to do something].
As for learning outside class, since this is a career course I definitely have been pro-active in looking for possible jobs, contacting people, and etc.
All in all I’m giving myself an 85 🙂