
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

August 5, 2013
by my-yenau

Summer Time Sadness

Over the weekend myself and a few others headed to Trentham for an overnight camping trip and boy was it cold. No it was bloody freezing ! Look, admittedly winter has been fairly good to us this year providing some lovely days and lesser rain than usual but i’ve got that summer time sadness ! 🙁
Despite the miserable forecast i made the most of this short get away. We sat around the campfire, ate, hiked and for the most part did nothing. It took me right back to summer and got me excited for the one ahead, i love the sun and i’m jumping out of my socks to amongst the great outdoors again. In the meantime i’ll just dig into this great blog in which my cousin is a contributor. Backseat Ballads consists of great travel stories and beautiful photography so you should check it out if it’s your kind of thing, its definitely mine.


August 5, 2013
by my-yenau

Unlecture 2.0

Soooo another week means another unlecture. This lecture was run a little differently than usual, lighter on structure but still quite heavy on content. One of the main things that i took away from the unlecture was the idea that we, us media students are no longer just media consumers. We are now also media producers. For most of our young lives we have slept, ate and breathed media in a variety of ways and so the time has come as eager individuals to learn, create and share all things media related in one way or another. The notion that we are in fact producers in extremely exciting and simple. Take this post for example, once completed it will be both a published and copyrighted piece which will be forever engrained into the media landscape.

I am a media producer.

August 3, 2013
by my-yenau

Still in holiday mode !

I’ve just come back from an over night camping trip (which was great!) and as every does i just jumped onto the networked media blog….
WTF?! It’s been like a few days and it’s loaded with posts. Like slow down! Why is everybody so damn motivated and pro active ? I’m still struggling to grasp what day it is ! #sigh

July 29, 2013
by my-yenau

Loop de Loop


Chris Argyris‘ text was a bloody difficult exploration of learning and mental maps that people develop when confronted with an obstacle.
Model I seems to be quite negative. Model I involves actions that are driven by the need to ‘win’ and masking one’s values or thoughts in order to avoid the judgment of others. In a sense as the reading suggest this is a common feature amongst everyone, more in some and less in others but lets face it no one likes to be embarrassed and who would rather lose then win? Not many. However winning is not everything and shying away from what you truly believe will only impact negatively on the how you see and tackle different situations. Model I exposes people to the likelihood of becoming narrow minded, restricted and uncreative.
Model II has a greater emphasis on broader and more interactive learning that encourages open communication. Learning, problem solving and creative thinking can be thought of a puzzle. A puzzle can be completed by one person but it would be more efficient if there were others to lend a hand, everyone has a different approach and so will have unique ways of putting pieces together. In model II leadership and control is shared in order to create more coherency.

Other key notes:
-mistakes and errors however embarrassing are positive. The best successes were born from failures
-don’t be a narrow minded twat
-don’t be afraid to contribute-bring something to the table ! preferably food if the table is shared with me though
-approach learning with fresh approaches-there is also more than one answer to every question

*the above may or may not be an accurate interpretation of the text.







July 29, 2013
by my-yenau


James Blunt, Blunt Magazine, blunt knife and week 1’s blunt lecture/unlecture. Look lets be honest as soon as i walked out of that room i had forgotten most of what Adrian had said… such a shame. A few things however remained imbedded in my mind; symposium and “you are in the wrong course.”

1. Symposiiiiium ! 

Cool was the first thought then the second was it would be like Comic Con and third was how i wish i was at Comic Con.. Personally, i’m not quite sure what my view on the whole symposium thing is. It’ll definitely make lectures/unlectures different but in a good or bad way? Pros : interactive, fun, different. Cons: that shit will get messy, will questions be relevant? will i dare speak..? We will just have to wait and see! I’m excited… yes for a lecture/unlecture (i’m going to have to choose which it is soon)

2. “You are in the wrong course.”

Am i? I may be. I sure hope not but admittedly there have been a few iffy moments and betrayal has crossed my mind as it wandered to prof comm and journalism. For the first time in a while i actually felt like i was being lectured,nagged and bluntly told to piss off. That’s just the negatives though, the positive was that Adrian reinforced the need to be pro-active, motivated and well be a young adult. In order to successfully navigate this course and degree there has to be a certain level of commitment. Along with hard work and willingness to want to know more (how not what) this course can be used as a gateway to greater things? That being said i am in the right course ?

July 29, 2013
by my-yenau

Something About Me

So look i’m suppose to write some “about me” page so you know more … well about me. But look i have no idea where that shit is so i’ll give you a low down right here. If you type my name i.e. My Yen Au into google the first thing that will appear should be a link to a chinese restaurant. Yes, believe it or not my grandma opened that thing back in the 90’s and if you haven’t caught on i was named after her. No thats a lie i have no idea why i was named My Yen nor do i have any relation to the owners of that restaurant.

I’ll K.I.S.S (keep it short sweety) … you? No. By now you should know my name, i study media at RMIT, love the outdoors, food and getting pissed drunk whenever i can. As you will soon become aware i have no clue how to run a blog. Yes, a well educated 19 year old studying media not knowing how to operate a blog… shit happens. This looks about long enough so i’ll leave it with a) what i publish may or may not be interesting b)feel free to leave a comment c) feel very free to leave a comment if you know Ryan Gosling or Justin Bieber… those Canadians ! 😉

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