
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

Unlecture 3.0 – pointless ?


Look im gonna be honest here, majority of my posts about the unlectures have been fairly short and shady. It’s partly because im lazy but more so because of the fact that i have the memory of a goldfish. I forget everything as soon as i leave the room if not earlier so it’s difficult to write about it a week later when i can’t even remember it a few minutes after. Also i really do believe i have mild ADD..

Any who what i do recall is the use of the word “contradiction” and how although Adrian knows his shit, his fellow tutes somewhat disagreed on a few things he had to say. (the “debate” about education being a transaction was a good one). This reminds me of something Ben spoke about in the histories and technologies tute about one’s inability to be objective. Although the word exist, is it real? Can someone really be uninfluenced by their own personal feelings or opinions when presenting facts? And yet again i have no clue what this even relates to but ill try to weave something in like speculative writing… and i interpret that quite literally as being speculative in your writing. When you speculate you assume or form a theory with not much to substantiate it. Looped learning particularly mode 1 whereby your actions are motivated by the judgment of others. Both of these examples have elements of subjectivity in one way or another. I personally am being subjective right now as i say i don’t believe that you can be objective and therefore objectivity doesn’t exist. So does that make the word completely pointless..? That’s the end to this yes, pointless entry.

By the way is this speculative writing …?

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