
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

The week that was..


I’m gonna give you guys a run down of my not so exciting week just so you get a glimpse into my life.

Beginning from last wednesday (7th/8) because i can’t remember any further back..
-Had uni most of the day … boring train ride home
-Watched offspring and balled my eyes out like a child who’s had their lollipop stolen
-Most memorable moment: delicious chocolate fondue for dessert!

-work .. rather uneventful although i did get a box of chocolate to taste test ! 🙂
-Most memorable moment: That roadside kebab on the home !!

-holy cow…. no beef intended. work 10-6 then again 7-10:30. What?!
-drove to a friends house which was absolutely stunning which made me sad because my house is rather standard
-Most memorable moment for the wrong reason: got tricked into drinking a raw egg !! yuck (note to self salt and pepper does not make a RAW egg any tastier)

-woke up groggy, only had a few hours sleep
-watched The Spectacular Now at the forum for the MIFF
-Most memorable moment: One of the best coffees ive ever had at The Auction Room. Beauty
-Work…. got yelled at by a spectator.
-took about 5 years to decide what to wear to a friends 21st
-friends fun 21st

-Work… beginning to hate work
-Netball… got smashed and didn’t get to play a full game = angry
-went to my best friends house and tasted the chocolates. A little disappointing
-Most memorable moment: opening the box of chocolates to the wonderful smell

-got up to work on a uni project
-ran late to uni jumping on multiple trains which took me in a circe
-work again, the term workaholic enters my mind
-most memorable moment: dinner 🙂
-and now here i am writing this entry !

Thank you, thank you no need for the round of applause. What an exciting week… i really need to travel.

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