This weekend was the first time I have published an interview and let me tell you, it was an awesome feeling. Not only was I graced with the talented Becky Sui Zhen, but also given my own little personal shoutout through Facebook thanks to her. As strange as it sounds to write, I am trying to build a media persona and this has really helped me get over my anxiety of being in the public eye under my real name. If these are the first stepping stones of getting my name known, then I really do welcome it.

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Firstly, let me explain what REEL TALK is. I had to come up with my own concept and article direction, something that would contribute to SpeakerTV and add quality content to their feed. With that, I ran with the idea of getting to know creative directors that have worked with making quality music videos or have contributed to the Australian music scene in some way through directing. Yes, with film and video production on my mind, that’s where REEL TALK as a pun emerged.

Secondly, I wanted to avoid typical, mundane questions. Why ask questions that can be simply researched or answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no?’ It’s extremely boring and plus, how can you expect someone to talk about themselves if it’s not specific to their work? I wanted to dig deeper into their reasonings, whether this be about personal works, directions or experience in the industry.

With this, I look forward to my future interviews and getting over that initial Q&A fear. And who knows, perhaps I’ll be making connections with people who share the same interests in me along the way.

You can read the full interview here

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