Being a student within RMIT, it’s compulsory to achieve 80 hours or more in a workplace attachment. The outcome and idea behind this prerequisite in Media is simple; more experience equates to more opportunities.

A few weeks ago I found myself reading the email and the structure of the attachment guidelines. I skimmed over the paperwork and considered what I wanted to do. While I’m still unsure on where my degree will take me (and this is a delight), I know I want to exercise my creativity, whether this be in writing, publishing or even teaching for that matter. Nonchalant, I began browsing over the internet and found something that caught my eye. It was a Media publishing internship that involved discussing and networking music, more-so on a local level. The job outlined music reviewing, journalism, interviewing and relevant news segments, all compact to one to two days in an office space. I considered my options in two easy ways:

1.) I apply for the internship and get knocked back, but no biggie since I’m still a first year.


2.) I apply for the internship and whatever happens, happens. (Sophisticated YOLO)

So yes, I went with option two and sent of an expression of interest. Within ten minutes I had an interview. In preparation I booked in to see Paul two days prior, which I would recommend to everybody unsure (like me originally) of the process of paperwork, insurance and of course, your rights in a professional workplace.

I am now an author with SpeakerTV. So far, my daily routine in the office every Friday is news segments, researching and nutting out articles. I’ve been given the challenge of finding my own ‘weekly’ or ‘monthly’ segment/column, to which I’ll be sharing with you all when it comes. It’s been difficult for me to nail down something when everything seems to be covered, but I’ll get there. On a positive note, I’ve just had my first official LP review published, discussing the sound of Blowing On The Devil’s Strumpet by The Love Junkies. So far my experience within an online publishing market has been intense, yet there is an extremely relaxed/welcoming atmosphere around writing content, especially when approaching your senior members for advice and constructive criticism. I’ve also come to realise that websites like SpeakerTV are very competitive in uploading news segments, unique articles and original ideas, that the Media industry is as fast-paced and demanding as everybody makes it out to be.

I’ll be discussing my internship as the time goes by, allowing myself to collate my experiences and give an insight to those interested in a similar field of work experience. If you’re considering going for an attachment, seriously, just go for it. There’s no regret in being rejected, but there is regret if you don’t try and miss out.




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