On leaving the symposium, one question seemed to linger in my mind. When understanding and discussing art, culture and technology, can we fully unpack the semiotics and distinctions that underline these terms?

Through Betty’s Nelson-esque interpretation and Adrian’s persistent deconstruction, the questions of hypertext and untapped potential reminded me of my own musings, caught up between using such strong language and terms that are crippling with semantics. While these thoughts are full of questions, the possibilities are endless, with systems expanding and knowledge growing in the essence of an alternative system to the World Wide Web. Like Nelson addressed, hypertext is an electronic literacy and is not formally defined as ‘overboard’, but rather, hyper becoming a word to signify an extension to another.

Spoken in the symposium, we keeping making the mistake of sitting on one side of the fence. This fence between the possibilities of hypertext and technology is something we as network (il)literate individuals are consumed by, created by our own idea that print or media must remain singular and nostalgic. Everything online is as close to everything as everything else is close. Technologies are advancing and while the debate between technology and tools exasperates our thoughts, the idea and use of hypermedia is slowly being planted in our subconscious, dare I say, even though writing is still so heavily based around the before.

Looking at my own classmates and fellow cohort, like the discussion of semiotics, each person presents connections uniquely and personally. Amy likens the symposium to this weeks reading, connecting society with hypertext when considering the prompt question, ‘what if you had a book that changed every time you read it?’ Understanding hypertext as a ‘refined technology’ in terms of interactive media is just as interesting, considering we don’t use hypertext to it’s fullest possibilities. While these thoughts are rich, understanding the ideas of technology simply works just as well, Bec likening the questions of technology to a link succinct in example. Even Caitlin, who although didn’t revise the literal content within the symposium, addressed her ideas on privacy in hypertext and social media that missed discussion.

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