I look up to huddling bodies pausing on the border of the bulky yet minimal industrial door. ‘This is Network Media, yeah?’ A girl leans in and her lengthy hair drops past her shoulders. ‘Yes’ I say, continuing to reassure others who follow the same awkward and unspoken language, ‘Networked Media is in here, guys! Sit anywhere.’ A young man sticks his head adjacent to the others; he looks tired and feverishly late. He assesses the room looking around for a second, fixing his eyes on each member of his possible cohort. ‘Is this, uh, sex and women in cinema?’ The room giggles a distinct yet friendly no. The class slowly begins to settle.

I hadn’t given a thought to blogging as a place for ideas to spring (or grow for that fact) the little seeds of learning that university has placed in me. Yes, Tumblr has been dear to my heart for a few months now- the copious amounts of dog gifs, minimal interiors and bands I wish I saw last month. But using for learning and maintaining reflections related to ideas within my studies? If anything, the only learning I’ve taken from blogs in the past is how to give myself an aesthetically pleasing manicure. I suppose the idea of a larger community is not something I shy away from, particularly with my small online presence forever searching to network. The idea of blogging not only invigorates the little writer in me, but the babbling and crying tech-hound that’s trying to learn how to jump through cyber hoops.

As for Networked Media, the idea it possesses appears simple enough. Interactions, connections, learning hands on- you know- the kind of activities in university that intend to misplace your social anxiety and make you more relatable-professional. After all, the relationship between networks is more important than the parts as in individual. Which reminds me; I plan on making this blog a mixture between different writing styles. As you can tell, this is a little more personal and textually light, which will be significantly different depending on the category of my post or the tags it possesses.  Now that the ground is laid I can get to planting my green and lush garden of ideas across the next few weeks, with maybe a review here or there too. With this guys, stay posted, hit me up with a comment or whatever you want. Actually, if you read this, let me know, so I can read your first blog post that’s probably just as meaningless and sassy. Let us hold hands and journey through this post-industrial ecology together.


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