So now we’re back at university and I ponder what the  second year means. Initially people don’t seem to give it much significance but I give it the most, of course your last year is the most critical but I believe both the first and second years are both character defining and career defining. If you’re not sure about your future career by the end of the second year the last year will be filled with doubt, second guessing, desperation  and anxiety. The first year for some is finding your feet trying some new things, getting some advice and getting comfortable with a new life, a life completely different from your schooling life which lasted over a decade. When you’re career focused you need to have room for enjoyment, that is what I believe university is all about. The challenge you accept, independence, free time, assignments, bustling social lives, outside commitments, money and balancing one or several jobs external to the university, not to mention the added challenges of being international or foreign to the city you inhabit; finding your feet there and being comfortable with your surroundings are all factors that occur at university. With all these factors in mind we go from adolescent, hormone crazy, ambitious, partying to well tamed, career focused, well structured, smart, intelligent and successful adults. You don’t loose your personality nor your sense of fun and adventure but instead you gain a level of maturity that will make you employable and successful. Your personality will flourish and grow, branches will be added to your tree, new friends will be made, unforgettable and priceless memories will be had, adventures that can only happen in this period of your life will occur, journeys that will make you more worldly, appreciative, creative and grateful will continue to shape the ever-growing you. By the end of university you will be ready, everything you’ve participated in will serve a major purpose in your future regardless of its magnitude; you conditioning and preparation will be complete and you will enter the large world with energy, dreams and ambitions and most importantly confidence in your abilities and an attitude and charisma that will shine.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”  E. E. Cummings

At the end of your journey from teenager to adult and at the end of your university degree you will know your purpose in the world, in saying this everyday we learn something new about ourselves as we are constantly growing never is no limit to what we are capable of therefore your purpose in the world may be forever changing. I say to you never lose sight of your dreams, why you get up every morning and do what you do, there’s no one telling you or forcing you what to do with your life, you at this level are in complete control of your future endeavours. So ask yourself why you are here, why has billions of years of history brought you to this unique point of time where you are today. Why is it that through every phenomenon and miracle do I find myself rising and heading to university? There are no coincidences in life, I am a firm believer in that, and in my opinion everything in life  happens for a reason, do not forget how lucky you are to be having this opportunity to study and to have a genuine crack at your dream career. The only person determining whether you’re worthy of your dreams is you, don’t let yourself down. I am the biggest critic of myself, it’s great because it motivates me to do more, jump higher, go further, everyday if I can get a foot further, do something different, learn something new, help someone out and contribute to my dreams then I am truly happy. This year at university will be the most important, I feel that the challenges will be great and there will be moments of doubt and heartache but through this we will become stronger and we will continue to grow due to this.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
Best of luck for your 2017 may it be a year filled with unforgettable memories, many new friends and experiences, one in a lifetime opportunities, endless adventures, enjoyment and growth, keep your dreams alive, manage your goals and never lose sight of the journey you are on, it will lead you to an amazing future.
Michael Serpell

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