Genesis of an idea: Possible final project concept
Genesis of an idea: Possible final project concept
This week I began to develop some ideas that are beginning to form a glimmer of what my final project world will look like.
This is the background and foundation to my coming across of this idea:
After (perhaps sadly) being in the position to buy much jewellery on a number of occasions, I began to develop an appreciation for the precious gems and metals that they were made from. So over the last few years I began to research the world of the gem trade and it has been extremely Intriguing.
I began watching a documentary series called ‘Gem Hunters’. The documentary follows the real life adventures of a team of gem buyers as they negotiate then often questionable process of buying a gem and then turning it into a profit. This often involves back alley deals and evasion of government regulation. The world presented within the series is one of intrigue, corruption, money and the allure of the gems they deal in.
I began to envisage perhaps taking this world and blending in elements of noir, thus the idea of an organised gem cartel, and the world in which such a concept inhabits, is fast becoming my favoured idea for the final project.
My current ideas for the creation of the world:
Dark noir colour grade
Props: engagement rings, loose gems etc
Jazz music
Deserted alleys
Characters motivated by money and the allure of the stones