Picture = 1000 words ∴ 4 seconds of 25fps video = 100,000 words.

Week 2 Photo Narrative Exercise

This week we undertook a short narrative building exercise. We were tasked with wandering the campus and formulating a short narrative out of a sequence of a few photos. The entire process: formulating story, shooting and sequencing took  place in  around 30 minutes. But the purity of the process,  the impromptu simplicity, was a refreshing…

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Another World: Week 1 & 2 Exercise What I Love, What I Hate

I love: Warm autumn evenings in the country  Reasons: better body heat to air temperature ratio the ability to move around more that’s where my family live fresher air more opportunity for filming the natural environment Why someone might hate such things: they might get repertory illnesses form  the dust  coming from the dry fallen…

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Another World; Project Brief 1

Prompt: “I learned something in the studio that highlighted my previous experience/lack of previous experience with screenwriting…” In my experience of creating moving images, narrative screen-writing in a collaborative professional sense has not been encountered very frequently. In year 11 I submitted a script for a television ad to channel 7 as part of a…

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