The Zen’s at work

Last year I was working at my father’s sustainable architecture firm, mainly doing administrative work, but occasionally getting to help out with the ‘creative’ sides of things. 2013 was the first year that the Australian Institute of Architecture Awards introduced the entry requirement of having a short film, along with a poster, to show the judges what the buildings actually looked like. The video that I created below was a design that was entered in the ‘Commercial’ category and ended up being shortlisted for the Awards. Unfortunately the video is rather bad quality (because it needed to be a very small file). Looking at the colourisation and transitions makes me realise how much better Adobe Premiere Pro is in comparison to Final Cut Pro, which was the editing suite I was working on at the time. Nevertheless, ‘Warm Concrete’ by my good friend Tom Guida (stage name ‘Leaks’) works seamlessly with the time lapse effect that dominates this clip…

Carlton Graphic Design Studios – Zen Architects from Zen Architects on Vimeo.



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