I really enjoy working on this assignment with my group and I am happy with how our documentary turned out.

As with all group assignments, it is hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time especially when it comes to shooting and editing. Tristan, who was the subject of our documentary, is Nolan’s friend. Therefore, for the most part, Nolan did most of the shooting for this production. Lisa and I help with shooting the main interview which I think was needed as it is hard to do with one person.

When it came down to editing, we used Nolan’s laptop which has Premiere. This was convenient as Nolan could edit wherever he wanted and we didn’t have to worry about hiring editing suites or swapping sessions between hard drives. A lot of the time we all couldn’t meet to edit which could have made it hard for everyone to contribute their ideas. With this in mind, we made sure that updated edits where uploaded to google drive so everyone could give feedback and suggestions. This worked fairly well and I with definitely try to do this in this future when working with a group on an edit.

Overall everything ran very smoothly thanks to a great group and I look forward to showing off our Documentary.