We meet again.

In the first Media class for ‘Screenwriting for film and filming for screen,’ we were all educated with the crash course screen writing formula. Basically you can write anything and put it in a script format. Then it will look like a script. Now you have a script. Anyway, after some exercises testing our ability to write from prompts, we were all assigned with the task of stretching out our brains to breaking point, and write pro’s from prompts given to us. And I have to say that this exercise really pushes you, as its hard to find a compelling story about a sculptor who has a headache and affairs whilst he’s training for a marathon.

Luckily, we were all put into groups and we chose the best one out of the four of us. Thankfully mine wasn’t the winner. I’ve found that the ideas other people contribute to their stories create a pretty creative environment to think in, and the group system did help to find some valuable ideas to put into the eventual script.

The script writing was something that is really new to me, I know what they look like, and I’ve read a few scenes but I hadn’t really worked to create one of my own. I have to say it was kinda fun, imagining a movie in your head and writing it out. But anyway, the process of creating a simple and completely random story to creating a script for a scene was pretty cool, and it’ll be something I think will be fun to explore.

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration


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