Who will win? Who will die? Anyway, anthropocene is a really strange word. And apparently it means something. I don’t know what it means yet. Technology is the consolation of skills, techniques and cultures. They include cultural values and ideology. Culture is about identifying sub groups within populations, seeing the world as culture and more obviously, relates to cinema, creative expressions, art and theatre. Culture is something that is around us and is also what we are.

Technological determinism changes the way people view the world. It’s often seen as the extension of people, and are ways to capture complexities.

There’s also ocial constructivism, in which it’s the flip side of techno determinism, technology is controlled, regulated by us. It’s up to the peoples. THE PEOPLES.

Anyway, ‘SC’ accounts for humanity and the imperfection people. We are only human. The blurred lines in organic and mechanic is a big issue within pop culture. Blade Runner is a movie, which explores this tension, and questions the ‘more human than human’ motto within real life. Are robots gaining too much prominence? These days people rely on the little robots in their jeans. It’s an interesting issue because imagine a day where you are completely without the personal technology. That would suck. No entertainment on the train, no laptop to write this blog post on, no way of contact you group for that assignment you should all probably start on… These are some real issues, man. But either way, this argument I feel will continue to get bigger and bigger, the more technology grows and the more humanity relies upon it. The idea of the necessity of resources is a big economic political issue which shows in modern, post apocalyptic narratives, and again, could one day become an issue. But other than that, I think that may just be the end of this post. And nobody dead. What a bad season finale.

P.S. Remember that weird word at the start? Apparently it refers to the human effect on the changing climate. So there you go…

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