Texts: crosses the line between fiction or non fiction, it embraces both.
- Textual analysis is mentioned in content analysis mode coming from communications tradition within the 20th It’s about counting particular things,
- The bobo dolls are early examples of how texts can influence people, especially children.
- The second is referencing the rise of consumer mass culture,
- Texts help make the world make some sense is Alan Mckee’s opinion, can be seen as the producing of values and ideas socially.
- Its not always about wondering if a text is accurate,
- Alan Mckee also theorises that texts are hypothesis’ of how texts are interpreted. I think, its hard to summarize quotes a ot of the time.
- It’s a gamble to communicate, not all will realize values or interpret things the same way.
- For example Reagan reinterpreting Springstein’s ‘Born in the USA.’ Springstein was not impressed.
- Signs have signifiers and signified. Signified is what you do with the signifier (the word of a dog.) It makes you imagine something from a signifier. For example: denotation is literal, connotation is a second/ deeper meaning.