It may not be Planet Earth. But either way, up until probably forever, sharing something about you to others is scary. That’s what I’ve found this week. Whether it people asking about your faith, what’s your favourite colour or where were you when you showed up late to that thing that you needed to be at on time but you weren’t. It seems that the idea of peers judging you is scary; period.
Presenting the self portrait to the media class brought on all the usual feels of stress, anxiety and self doubt. Same old. The thought that you’re video, which happens to be about you, may not be good enough didn’t help in the comforting process. But even if it’s not made to a level of perfection, which mine wasn’t, it turns out that it’s only communicating something about me. And thats good, people now know what my hobbies and (hopefully) my strange sense of humour. Most of you probably don’t really know that I’m also a Christian, I like rainy days, I have a great dog and that I often question what I’m doing here in life. Everybody has their own identities, but I realise you now know a bit more about mine through the video, and through this blog post.
Life often makes you feel uncomfortable and this week, and I guess the writing of this post, has helped me know that when others know more about you, it helps for you to be yourself. And I’m sure other people feel the same way too.