Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4


Project brief number 1! The story of how it came about of course is epic and here it is. The first photo is my most abstract and was constructed to symbolise my life at present as being one where I am a student. The empty card next to the combination of both of my uni and school student cards and is a symbol for the next stage which is currently a blank canvas. The second photo consists of the technology which takes up a fair bit of my life. The third photo consists of some pretty awesome movies, which without, I probably would not be the same. My final photo was chosen as it informs (quite subtly) that I play guitar, and that music is also a big part of my life. The sounds I chose were quite broad, the first was a recording of people at a shopping centre, to convey I like people. The second is John Cage-esque with the silence contending that I sometimes like having quiet and having clear headspace to imagine things. And finally, the videos I made were to show I’m fairly weird and again, I like music.

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