text of the hyper variety
This weeks reading was probably the hardest reading to get through thus far for me as the subject matter was rather dense. I will also be honest and state that I have very little knowledge on hypertext (I mean I have basic knowledge, but outside that…nothing).
So what I thought I’d do is simply dumb it down in my reading and get back to the basics of what I know. I’ll also try and weave in some of the things that I got from the readings!
So, I guess we will start simple. I mean super simple.
Hypertext is text that is not constrained to be linear. It’s text that which contains links to other texts, it is also a concept not a product.
Computers have made it extremely difficult to keep all of the information in one place and therefore hypertext is used in order to create links between different areas of knowledge. Hopefully in our blogs we create hypertext by creating links, annotations and tags to outside information. However, hypertext shouldn’t be used to clog or overcomplicate things, rather used sparingly as a framework for reunification.
I’m running on a fairly tight schedule, as I am on a lunch break at work. So please, if you have any more questions feel free to hit up this website… https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~adillon/BookChapters/Encyc-text.htm
Now, this might not be the most enthralling post, but neither was the reading.
Lunch was delicious…