irobot was right?
PRAISE BABY JESUS! There’s no unlecture this week!
Wait…there’s videos to watch! At least I can just put this down to watching youtube videos, my main form of procrastination. I mean I watch at least 3 ‘best of’ vine videos a day and I hate vines!
“The machine is us/ing us”.
Now the idea of the machine’s using us seems something silly out of a Michael Bay flick that everyone will go to watch (FOR WHAT REASON?), but it’s not. Well, it probably will be in the next few years, but at this current point in time it’s not.
The more information that we give the machine, the more it learns from us. It’s as simple as that. Man has already created machines far smarter than themselves, more capable in many ares. However, we have engineered these devices not only for their ‘brains’ but so we can use them to interact with one another, to share information. It is because of this reason that the machine is learning. The internet is so user-driven and relies on the content from our day to day lives. Facebook for example now knows your friends faces when you upload a photo. Or suggest friends because it knows your friends. Think of it like this, nearly everyone you know has a smartphone, that smartphone has facebook, your phone links to your contacts and ipso facto your machine in your hand that you use day to day is privy to a lot of private information. Now, the likelihood is that all my information is semi safe because lets face it, I have 100 bucks in the bank, and only a couple nudies of myself on the phone. NO BODY WANTS THAT!
However, as we grow more technical advance the machine will grow with us. Curiosity is a big thing in human lives, we always want to know the most, go the furthest or build the biggest. One day we will create a computer that will be able to learn enough that it officially thinks for itself rather than using our information.
Not only that, if the machine absorbs our information, and someone who knows how to use a machine can access this, aren’t we all in trouble?
I’m not saying I’m going to stop using facebook or anything like that, but I do believe that in the future man may just over step his mark with machine.