Embracing A New Direction…

After our presentation to the Lentara mid-semester panel,
our group received the feedback that Jeff and co. wanted us to now steer away from focusing on Lentara’s ‘identity crisis’ and instead veer our attention towards promoting and helping out with Lentara’s Emergency Relief Winter Appeal.

This was a little shock to everyone in our group as we are in about week 9 of the semester and had already set our sights on the things we wanted to create for Lentara and the final project brief. However we were also well aware that this type of situation is bound to happen at some stage in our professional media and design careers. We knew that in the face of this small adversity it was going to be extremely important for us to develop resilience and still have the drive and ability to produce quality outcomes.

For myself personally, I am more concerned about helping out with Lentara and it’s clients in any small way possible then achieving amazing results on my assignments. So this means that whatever the people of Lentara are happy with, I too am happy with.

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