The Importance of Researching for Understanding…..

Being the Liaison person for the Lentara Identity Group this semester, it has been essential that I draw on my organisation and communication skills. In the past these have not been so great, so I think that taking on this role is going to be very valuable for me.


It has also made me approach this project with more of a full force attitude, rather than just taking a back seat on group projects like I have done in the past.


After the visit to Lentara, lots of researching, and quite a bit of deliberation, my group decided that to best capture and communicate Lentara’s identity to the public there was going to be a number of avenues we could potentially take.


As part of our second assignment, A Return Brief, I wrote some experts describing and explaining what we are planning on creating:


How can Lentara Continue to Grow and Progress?


Lentara United Care has not only improved, but also saved, millions of Australian lives. But the organization has never been focused on the marketing of these achievements and has rather been more concerned with the actual and practical provision of these services to those who are in need. Lentara is like the quiet achiever amongst the non-for-profit charitable Australian Organisations. Although their manner is noble and modest, the problem is that majority of the general Australian public are oblivious to Lentara’s work.



For any organization to reach it’s true potential, and have the ability to reach out to even more people in need, it is essential that they utilize the power that advertising, fundraising and widespread communication can bring.



In order for Lentara to grow and evolve, it is integral that the organisation create an enticing and interesting form of media. It may be a pamphlet, a poster, a storybook, or even a film, but most importantly, it must entirely and wholly encapsulate the true Identity of Lentara. An attractive media piece that describes all of the incredible things that they have achieved, the amazing work they continue to do, and everything that they stand for. It will need to capture and identify the essence of who Lentara are and why they do what they do.


Social Media-


A crucial factor for Lentara’s expansion is the utilization and incorporation of social media within their practice. Within our current society, social media plays a key role in brand communication and awareness. This is especially important for attracting the attention of the up and coming generations. Lentara needs to improve their social media usage, profile, and identity in order to capture the awareness of the public and communicate the importance of their work. This means a social media plan or strategy must be constructed and put into practice with the news or content Lentara wants to send to the public. A social media plan would entail a list of certain photographs, articles, or event information, which is then attached to a particular social media platform (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.) and also a precise time and date that it will need to be published.

Lentara Identity Pamphlet-


In order to attract the attention of clients and potential donators or collaborators, it will be essential to create an eye-catching pamphlet that encapsulates the identity of Lentara. The pamphlet will be of a unique design that is intricately constructed and takes attention to detail. It will be originally crafted, engaging, colorful, and interesting so that it stands out among the rest of the pamphlets on the shelf.

These unique pamphlets will be placed in public places that gather a lot of foot traffic. This can be doctor and hospital waiting rooms, shopping centres, retail stores, supermarkets, hotel receptions, restaurants and cafes, and major entertainment or sporting events.


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