Link Festival

Link Festival Brings together Australia’s leading and emerging social innovators and future makers.


I found it extremely interesting to read and learn about this festival as I think it applies so suitably to our current Media Studio. One of the main reasons I chose Lentara non-fiction design as my first preference in the Studio Ballot was the opportunity to collaborate with students from other courses in RMIT. Not only was it a chance to meet new people and make new connections, but I also thought it would be genuinely intriguing to see the ways in which we can all connect, combine our skills, and create something great.


It has already been such a pleasure to work alongside the communication design students. Giving me the chance to see how students from different learning backgrounds approach the work we are assigned and the methods in which they demonstrate their skills.


However, the central reason that I wanted to be apart of the Lentara studio was the opportunity to take part in something meaningful. I am consistently inspired and motivated by people and organisations that spend so much time and effort helping those less fortunate.

The Link Festival is designed to inspire and catalyse engineers, architects and designers, to use their power for good, driving social change and impact through innovation. Focused on the nexus of design, technology and social change, the event is truly cross-disciplinary and cross-sector.


I believe the link festival is based on the same principles as our studio. It’s about collaborating and combining people’s different specialties and skills in order to create and achieve something remarkable.


The spark that enables Australia’s leading and emerging social innovators and future makers to connect, collaborate, and be inspired to go out into the world to take positive action!

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