
On Thursday  Afternoon the 18th September,

Our Studio Group met at Signal Art Centre. The purpose of our meeting was to explore, discuss, and begin to grasp an understanding of how we each wanted to approach the final project of our course.


Signal is a creative arts studio designed for young people. It is a beautiful and historic building situated on the Yarra River, right near Flinders Street station.

The whole environment just leeches history, stories, and life.

I loved being able to look out the windows of the signal building and see so much diversity and range of environments and places surrounding me.


There was the Yarra river, the quaint bridges, the lush green parks and nature, the bustling train station, the high rise buildings of the CBD in the background, the quaking seagulls, and the fast moving citizens of the city.

There really was just so much interesting and rich stimuli to observe and take in.

Everyone in the class was incredibly engaged in this unique environment and also in the creation of what our next Project could potentially be. Robbie posed some really great concepts and notions to us.


I am excited about what we as a group are potentially going to create, and I think we are already on a really great path towards an amazing outcome.

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