Some Blog Post Catchups

Week 5 …




Collaboration is an important and inevitable part of any school, social, or work environment.


Without even probably being aware of it, we as humans are constantly engaging, conjoining, and collaborating with one another each and every day.


As a practical definition, to collaborate is to ‘work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something’. Most University Students groan when prompted on the topic of Group Assignments. But I think what most of us don’t realize is that a lot of our work lives will rely heavily on our ability to work, cooperate and succeed with those around us. In every element of life, personal and professional, human beings need to work together and confidently rely on one another in order to accomplish.


Group assignments in university form the basis of what will be a life long skill needed in any work force or social environment in our future. Just like the saying goes ‘many hands make light work’, if people can work together positively and efficently we can achieve far greater things than we ever could just on our own.



Week 6 ….


In our Media one lectorial this week we were visited by RMIT librarian, Amy Saunders, who did a little presentation on how to navigate RMIT’s online and physical library. She basically spoke to us about all the resources available here at RMIT, and the best way’s we can capitalize on them in order to hopefully achieve the greatest possible outcomes in our assignments.


The Lectorial also expanded on the week 5 readings of collaboration. We had some discussion and acitivies based on the topic, presumably preparing us for the looming project prief 4. I’m really looking forward to the learning journey that successfulyy completing a group assignment will be.

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