Film time
Seeing as how we were having quite a difficult time with filming our video review against a wall, we decided to get hold of a tripod that could do the job for us. We were lucky enough to get a Manfrotto tripod from one of Jia Jia’s friends, and we were able to alter it such that it faced the floor (pictured above).
We figured that this would be a great start to our prototype, and chose to film our video review against a cream-coloured manila card. Just as we began to film, we realised how messy it was to think about what would go where – whether the photos would come in first, or the text, or simply how the entire sequence would be like – that we decided to stop everything and first sketch out a storyboard.
We too thought about how we might we might transit from one frame to the next, and after we had done that, we also used the storyboard as a checklist to ensure that we had everything we were about to film.
Filming went better and faster than expected once we had the storyboard settled, so that was good. Most of what we had drawn went according to plan. The next step would be to edit our video with the Cinemagraphs we would be making out of what we got from our Stovetop visit.