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Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 1 – Post 3

Post 3: How will your own work in this studio be informed by your understandings of social media, the data from the Sensis surveys and your examples of social media mentioned above?

Data from the Sensis surveys are extremely helpful in highlighting the differences in social media usage across various demographics, and will certainly be useful when deciding specifics of a social media strategy, including, but not limited to, suitable platforms to use, post timings, and posting frequency.

For instance, the Sensis report shows clearly that females use social networking sites more frequently per day as compared to males. As such, a business targeting males would post on social media less often per day, as compared to a business targeting females.

Another concept to keep in mind is that these days, traditional media is often intertwined with social media. For instance, news sites quote and cite social media sources through platforms like Twitter and Instagram (Hunsinger & Senft 2013). This is another concept to keep in mind when it comes to brainstorming viral content in relation to the previous post; viral social media marketing strategies like guerrilla marketing need not only target social media users, but can also reach further to traditional media audiences.

Besides that, when organising a social media post, it is wise to adhere to an image or layout that is easy to read or understand, and include a clear call-to-action where necessary, as shown in the Straits Times social media example. Its graphic was clean-cut and easy to read, and as a result, was concise and effective in conveying the key details, which will be more appealing to audiences.

The Sensis report also shows that 74% of people use smartphones to access social media. This is important to keep in mind when developing work for this studio, as the content produced will have to be compatible – easy to load, read, and see – with mobile devices. Reflecting upon it, this means that images should not only be compressed so as to allow for quicker loading, but also be cropped to mobile-friendly dimensions. For instance, on Instagram, from a marketing standpoint, it would be more wise to utilise a portrait orientation when posting pictures as it takes up more space on the mobile phone, thus capturing the audience’s attention more easily.


Word count: 350 words

Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 1 – Post 2

What examples of social media do you find inspirational or challenging? Mention 1 or 2. Cite a reference or URL for each. Explain why they inspire or challenge you.

My first example of social media is this Coronavirus-related infographic designed by Singapore’s leading news outlet, The Straits Times.

It depicts a rough breakdown of the largest Coronavirus cluster in Singapore and includes important details such as dates, locations, and how the cases were linked (The Straits Times, 2020). The graphic even utilises different colours and shades to demarcate the various groups of cases involved. On top of that, the Instagram caption includes a clear call-to-action that directs readers to the link on their page, where they will be able to get more information on the situation if they so please.
What I find most inspiring about this example is that the creators were able to quickly and aptly turn a string of facts – most likely from a press release with information provided by Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) – into a simple and digestible graphic. This gives Singaporeans peace of mind in these trying times when they need it the most.

The second example of social media is this trending TikTok video, where user Thatguyro articulates that “when you think about it, the ocean is really just a bunch of water”, before ending the video with a slew of awkward pauses and an unfinished sentence.

Though I understand the humour behind the clip, I also find this example particularly challenging because its content is what most would identify as pointless and awkward, and yet it has already garnered over 400,000 likes and 4,500 comments within a mere two weeks.
This serves as a reminder that there is no hard formula for creating viral content, and poses the question: Can viral content really be a feasible marketing strategy? Sure, viral content costs little to nothing to create and has the potential of great reach. However, humans are unpredictable, and therein lies the challenge to predict what could or could not go viral.

Word count: 315 words


The Straits Times 2020, The Straits Times on Instagram, viewed 20 March 2020, <>

Roshmo 2020, Thatguyro on Tik Tok, viewed 20 March 2020, <>

Making Sense of Social Media Assignment 1 – Post 1

What is your interpretation of the term ‘social media’? What have you learned from the Sensis reports? Include 2 or 3 references from academic sources.

The term ‘social media’ can be interpreted in a myriad of ways; some use the term rather restrictively, to describe interpersonal relations on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, while others may define it as broadly as the socialisation aspects of websites, like blogs and news sites, in general (Hunsinger & Senft 2013).

With the growing amount of online businesses and influencers these days, it is natural to view social media simply as a marketing tool, with success measured almost entirely by profits or popularity, but it is much more than that. It is also a tool for communication. As Baruah (2012) aptly puts it: “The inherit definition of social media is grounded in its ability to support interactive dialogue across various media platforms.”

Similarly, according to Brauns & Bahnisch (cited in Hunsinger & Senft 2013), social media is a collective of networked information services that support in-depth social interaction, community formation, collaborative opportunities, and collaborative work.

An example of such community formation can be found in the Sensis report, which states that over a third of social media users support or contribute to issues or events through the medium, as it is not only a convenient way to show support and passion but also a handy way to get their voices heard.

To add on, one of the top reasons audiences use both social media and traditional media is to keep up to date on news and current affairs (Sensis 2018). And with community formation through social media comes about the ability to pinpoint and evade fake news – something that is prevalent in today’s society – more easily. Precautionary steps like vetting the source’s credibility, fact-checking, and consulting professionals are made more accessible and straightforward, as compared to traditional media, which resembles a hypodermic needle, whereby ideas and thoughts are easily injected into the unsuspecting minds of the audience.

With all that being said, social media, to me, is an ever-growing and ever-changing two-way online conversation that connects like-minded individuals, facilitates discussions, promotes awareness.

Word count: 330 words.

Baruah, T.D 2012, ‘Effectiveness of social media as a tool of communication and its potential for technology enabled connections: A micro-level study’, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1-10.

Hunsinger & Senft, 2013, *The Social Media Handbook*, pp. 1.

Sensis, 2018, ‘Part One – Consumers’, Yellow Social Media Report, pp.5.

Assignment 4

Part A

Part B

Assignment 4: Part A

Assignment 4: Part B


Our film is a teen-horror film about 5 girls who are intrigued by the legend of Bloody Mary, and attempt to summon her. We wanted to incorporate elements of comedy and stereotypical high school characters as seen in teen films. This is seen throughout most of the dialogue ⁠— the most distinct character is Brittany, who acts as a mean girl, ringleader-esque teen.


We started out by creating a production schedule. As the producer, I spearheaded this aspect of the project and organised this in an excel sheet. This was done first in order to delegate enough time for each phase of production ⁠— pre-production, production, and post-production.

Pre-production, which included filming test shots, posting casting calls, setting up auditions, gathering props, and the in-class pitch presentation, took up four weeks. This took up the most time as we did not want to rush out the script or castings. Production, then, took a day, and post-production was left with two weeks.

Since the scriptwriting hadn’t been completed yet by the week of 9 September, but we had a rough idea of how many and what types of actors we needed. Our film required at least 5 female talents who will partake in dialogue, and 1 actor to stand-in for Bloody Mary. From the beginning, Caroline and I had already expressed interest in acting for the film. However, during the film tests we collectively decided, Caroline herself included, that she was not suitable for a role with lines, as she was not comfortable conversing on camera. It was a setback, but a minor one.

Kaushal offered me the role of Brittany, as she designed the character loosely based on my personality, but we decided to go with another actress for the role when we saw her passion for the character and how well she fit into the role. 

Since Caroline still wanted to act in the film, we offered her the role of Bloody Mary. Afterwhich, I went ahead to call for 4 actors on Starnow, all of which were scheduled to drop by my place for an audition. As the script was not completed yet, I wrote a set of audition sides for the talents to read lines with. This hopefully also gave them a better idea of what our film was like. I scheduled a total of 10 talents throughout the weekend, but only 4 showed up, and thankfully, they seemed to fit into the roles of our film’s characters flawlessly.

After Kaushal had completed writing the script, I broke it down to get an idea of the hard details for the shoot — actors and props we will need throughout filming, for example. I spent the next few days sourcing for props — candles, a black wig, and makeup for Bloody Mary. 


It wasn’t long before filming weekend had arrived. Kaushal lives in Frankston, so Mia graciously offered to drive us (Lauryn, an actor, and I). We offered a ride to the other talents as well, but they kindly declined as they could drive themselves.

Before we started shooting, we headed to Woolworth’s to get ready-made microwavable meals, as well as salads and snacks, for the cast and crew to munch on during dinner break. 


Throughout the process of producing our film, we were met with plenty of bumps along the way. Our first issue was when our director of photography (DOP) went missing in action without warning due to unforeseen circumstances during the pre-production phase. We were desperately running out of time, hence I decided to start working on the storyboard first, and our director and DOP continued by working on the shot list after I had left. This resulted in miscommunication, and clear differences between the storyboard and shot list were present, which made it all the more confusing when organising the shooting schedule.

Our next issue arose when one of our cast members decided to pull out two days before the filming date. As our director had quite a lot on her plate at that point in time, I decided to handle the situation on my own by reaching out to as many potential talents as I could. Fortunately I managed to replace her in the nick of time. 

Another issue we faced on the shoot day itself came to light when we discovered Caroline’s fear of paranormal activity, which included her own character of Bloody Mary. When the director instructed her to stand at a certain position, she would suggest standing elsewhere, having someone standing with her, or not doing it at all. Though we understood her fear, as everyone was afraid as well, this did waste a bulk of time, and the actors were visibly worn out due to the back-and-forth after awhile.

We encountered yet another challenge when Lauryn and I offered to pick up the equipment ourselves, since we lived nearest to school. Not realising the abundance of equipment we had booked, we ended up struggling with just how heavy they were. It probably took us two to three times longer to walk to my apartment then it usually would. In future, I would take note of the equipment we are borrowing, and gauge how many people I would need to help with carrying it.

After viewing a cut of the film, we realised that there were not enough close up shots incorporated. This made the film lack visual interest, and especially during the more scary scenes, we don’t see the actors’ emotions very well, which is not very fright-inducing. I noticed this while we were filming, and wanted to suggest it but I wanted trust Mia’s decisions with the camerawork and did not want to feel like I’m overstepping my position or hijacking Mia’s role. Looking back, there was no harm in me suggesting it, which I should have done. This might have possibly saved us from this (pretty major) setback.


Word count: 981 words.

Assignment 2

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

Assignment 2: Part C

Just a Voodoo Daydream

Assignment 2: Part B

Week 3 Exercise

Editing the other group’s shots was pretty confusing initially, and it definitely took us a while to get on track, though it gave us a new perspective. What I would have done differently, if we were to film the first part, would be to film the apple dropping out of Mia’s nose using an over-the-shoulder shot, as well as getting a close-up shot of Mia sneezing, from the front, at a low angle.

I feel that this would help the audience make more sense of it, rather than just the apple rolling on the floor, though I do think that it was a clever attempt at trying to replicate the effect. I first realised this when I was watching all the clips from the scene and I could not quite figure out how the rolling apple was supposed to fit into the scene – I found it quite out of place.

For the shot where I am appearing, we decided to film the empty space first, then film me in the same spot. From there, we placed the two shots together and used a fade in transition. Although the transition wasn’t the most perfect and smoothest, due to our camera moving just the slightest, it did almost successfully replicate the effect that we wanted. 

Since we were under time constraints, we did not manage to take a proper look back at the clips. I feel that, if given the chance, I would have re-shot the last scene in particular, where I was supposed to disappear, and taken more time to ensure that the camera did not move between takes.

Looking back now, another thing I would have done differently would be colour grading. In our scene, we did set the white balance on the camera, but for some reason, it still seems as if there is a green tint to it. I would correct small things like that in post-production in the future, and perhaps even place a dreamy filter over it, to add to the whimsical narrative.


Week 6 Exercise

For this exercise, I decided to edit two clips – one where Ruby has ended up in a heaven-like place, but ironically thinks that she is in hell, and another where I am high on drugs and think that I am flying in the sky, when I’m clearly not.

We were simply experimenting with the green screen in this exercise. At first, I didn’t realise that the lighting was too harsh – and especially since this was my first time experimenting with a green screen, I did not fully understand how big of a role lighting plays in making a green screen work.

But when I began to edit the video and key out the green screen, I came to a realisation that, due to the harsh lighting, there was a huge beige spot that was too close to the shade of my skin, that I could not key out. In an attempt to key out the huge beige spot, I played with adding a second colour key, but since it was so close to the shade of my skin, any settings that would somewhat significantly key out the beige spot also ended up keying a large chunk of me out. Especially since I was moving around quite a lot in the clip, it made it even harder to key out the beige spots.

In the future, if I were to use a green screen again, I would definitely make sure to check that the lighting is not too harsh – something valuable I learned from this exercise.

Assignment 2: Part A

Week 3 Exercise


Week 6 Exercise

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