The question I would like to explore for Assignment 2 is as follows: What are the key factors to creating popular content on TikTok?
In Assignment 1, I concluded that there is no hard formula for creating viral content, which makes the strategy a challenge to pursue and successfully incorporate into any marketing plan.
Given the sizeable reach potential this strategy has, it might be worth exploring any key factors that contribute to the makings of a viral post, but I felt that it was not feasible for a short 5-week experiment, and is why I have decided to delve into a similar, yet more practical, path.
My social media account will be targeted to teenagers and young adults, aged 18-30, residing in Melbourne and Singapore.
Right off the bat, some factors I can think of, that I will take into consideration for my production plan are:
1) Timeliness
Or more commonly known as trends. In this digital age, trends come and go faster than one could expect. Especially in the context of TikTok, a certain dance could be trending for a mere two weeks, and subsequently forgotten about. To add, dances are not the only form of text on TikTok that has the ability to go viral; comedic parodies of aforementioned dances, as well as skits to go with a well-established song, could do so, too.
2) Proximity
TikTok seems to filter out the content on users’ news feeds according to their location. As such, creating content that is relatable to users that are close in proximity could help with increasing one’s views and likes. A good way to target these users is through the use of geotagging.
3) The Element of Surprise
Almost everything and anything has been done on TikTok. An element of surprise could undeniably help to capture the audience’s attention.
Word count: 299 words