Mollie, Sarah, Matt and I have chosen to base our transmedia project around a fictional person who is an exaggerated example of modern young people who are obsessed with internet fame and online gratification.
This person will have been featured in the background of a viral video, this triggered their obsession with their online persona. The narrative will be based through her online profiles.
We have a few important factors decided, but of course have not
Protagonist– A young person who has grown up during the online revolution and is obsessed with the idea of celebrity.
Genre– Black comedy
Themes– Obsession with internet fame/celebrity, online gratification
Mediums/platforms- Text, image and video on Tumblr. Video through Vine. Image through Instagram.
Other motifs that will be tied in- The social currency of likes, the editing of reality to portray the best version of ourselves, convoluted social interactions, jealousy, possibly death, recurring irony
Sequence of events/plot- To be determined
To remember-
There must be a reason for the audience to go beyond the Tumblr
We’re thinking that the motivation will be wanting to understand the character, so we have to make their life interesting enough to warrant investigation into their life either before or after their death
We are thinking that a major plot point will be the character’s death, this could be the beginning or the conclusion