From a distant gaze

Points taken:

  • Got’ta get me one of those cool strollers
  • Everything sounds better/more artistic in French
  • Everything looks more artistic/contemplative/deep in black and white
  • I can make a beautiful short film with “found” footage, that is footage of real things that isn’t staged, and my own voice
  • Documentary can be creative and poetic
  • People are weird and the face tells all and nothing
  • The work is nice and I get it, but it’s kind of boring
  • The chaotic cuts match well with the music that they’ve chosen, nice. I’ll take my tempo and rhythm of cuts into consideration when choosing music now
  • I like the observational style of shooting, I feel as if I were really on that street, particularly when the camera follows a particular person from a distance. Super creepy though.
  • Beautiful women always get the most attention and men are stupid because they give the beautiful women the most attention