About Me





My name is Marcus Carmelo Y. Pedrigal. I was born in the Philippines on 1995. I was the oldest in my siblings, as was my father and his mother. Growing up, I always attracted the main attention from my grandma’s and grandpa’s, aunts and uncles. I was the first grandchild, and so by maternity instinct, I was everyone’s baby, so to speak. Still am actually. Hahahaha. I spent 9-10 years in the Philippines, spending my childhood playing in the streets with my friends, coming home late in the afternoon all dirty and shiet. But that was, if I recall correctly, the best part of childhood.

In 2005, we flew to Australia to start fresh. Mostly due to the nature of my dad’s work. So we had to leave everything and everyone behind to pursue a new life here. However by doing so, I had to grow up really fast. Taking care of my younger sister and not being able to rely on my relatives (we didn’t know anyone when we arrived), I had to be the man of the house when my parents were out working, busting their behinds so that my sister and I can live a better life.

The first few years in Australia was a real struggle. I had to try and fit in to a new culture a new society, find a new group of friends, get used to a new educational system.

But all that changed. I made friends. Things became a little easier. At the moment, I can say things are much better than it was in the early years. I can still sense myself not belonging in some places, but I guess you could say with experience comes growth and wisdom.

Anyway, that’s enough of me. Enjoy reading!

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