Feedback from brief three

We had a mini-screening on Thursday; everyone’s brief threes. They were really good, and I was particularly impressed with the variety of subjects chosen, from Dusty‘s taxidermist to Patrick‘s Auschwitz survivor.

We then broke into small groups to get a bit of feedback on what worked well and what didn’t. People seemed to like the effect of the polaroid pictures in mine, making it original and fun, and they liked my presence as a narrator, giving the story an affectionate, story-book tone. There were a few issues with the audio dipping in and out but on the whole I think people were able to follow what was going on.

The other members of my group produced amazing and unique portraits that I was glad to be able to watch. Bianca was lucky enough to have a tarot card reader for a neighbour, and used a fantastic amount of b-roll to cover his unusual and fascinating possessions.

Ariff, like me, chose a friend, but used beautiful music and clever found footage to pain a portrait of a traveller. Our only issue was the unusual aspect ratio, but obviously that was a tech issue and not his fault.

Sandy was worried that by choosing her mother hers might be a bit boring, but we all agreed that her personal perspective was touching and she’d covered enough of her mother’s life to create an engaging film.

Unfortunately, Rob has been a bit busy lately and so hasn’t finished his yet, but keep an eye on his blog for when it’s all finished (hopefully about 27/4).

And that’s about it. I know this seems like a short post, but I can’t think of much to say about the films that you can’t see for yourselves by watching them. If you want to check out any others from my class (and I recommend that you do because they’re all really good), head to the blog of our tutor, Rachel, and click on the links at the side to head to the others’ blogs. Enjoy!


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