Adrian Miles – many fluxuating responses regarding the ‘unlecture’, if I say so myself.
In class, we all had to stand up and say our opinions on this ‘lecture’ (according to our timetable) that is not actually a lecture but an UNLECTURE. There were many mixed responses, some quite critical and others very fond of the “New Age” and “New Way” of lecturing students, or rather not lecturing… Personally, I enjoy the interaction of the lecture – although, some feel very timid in front of a large audience. I enjoyed hearing about someone who had been blogging for around 10 years – thats pretty impressive. So, some may say ‘he knows what he is talking about’.
The critical people in the class, and there were a few, felt as though they were an ‘experiment’ in a different way of learning that in fact ‘forces creativity upon one’ – and their view was that creativity should come naturally and never forced. Although, it caused a little bit of a debate in our class where others argued that it ‘enabled more room for creativity’ and ‘freedom’ within the course. I am still waiting to see what I can achieve through this subject and I am willing to find out and experiment with my blog.
Although, like others, I find this a very exposing and daunting experience. Its a common fact that future employees, colleagues and anyone on a profesional level will look us up online – through Facebook, Twitter and any other social media site that we are on. Which in this day in age is completely normal. So in saying this, we need to make sure we use this blog to our advantage – knowing what we write, what images we use and filtering the content we place in our posts. This enables us to be aware of what we are writing and to whom – a journal/diary that may be personal to us yet is placed to the public eye. Therefore we need to make conscious decisions on what we put in our blog.
Ready to learn more.