FUN FACT – I have an inability to learn lyrics.
That’s untrue actually – I know every word of MY HUMPS by Black Eyed Peas. How does that reflect who I am? Poorly probably. Personally, I think it’s hilarious.
Another FUN FACT – because I couldn’t learn lyrics, I thought – Oh, I would probably be an amazing dancer. So I did dancing (I also did singing lessons, also a massive fail. Why did I ever think that would work in my favour?) and I loved dancing. I had so much fun with it. My teacher would tell me that I “needed improvement” – that I can’t follow patterns. I didn’t care. It wasn’t until I was axed from the aerobics team that I realised I might be terrible. I then became extremely bitter to all the aerobics girls.
Then my brother started DJing. I found that he appreciated just the beat and how it had a narrative. He would show me his new music – and I would tell him what I thought. Visuals would go through my head. I always created a whole story for the song. I could listen to songs on repeat until I made sure I knew what it would ‘look like’. This was about the same time where I was writing every night. I would write so many short stories every night – and I lived through it.
Why am I saying this? I don’t know. I am trying to find the source of my inspiration. Because when I am listening to certain things – I imagine things as well. In my mind there are fluid, moving visuals.