WEEK 1 – epiphany #1

What you want from this course?  / What you think this course is?

I think this course is a thorough analysis on details within a scene – a subjective view. Even though we have been told that it is a theoretical course, I have found so far that it is very creative. It’s your interpretations of different forms – e.g. coverage, scripts etc. We are able to interpret things the way we want – and it’s more about an exploration. Self-exploration. I think that it enables deeper though – depending on how you want to see and contribute to the ‘discovery’ style classes. The first class put me out of my comfort zone – I can’t really explain why. But I liked it. Again, can’t explain why.

I want to become more observant, and push my limits. I also really want to listen to other peoples views and see how they take the classes. I feel I could learn a lot from the people within the class and the subject. Because ….

epiphany – everyone took things differently. Everyone has an individualistic view and take on things. When we had to create the scene – and everyone came up with something different. Which was so strange but oddly cool. Although I don’t want to do this every week because I feel it would take away the reason for doing it. Every couple of weeks maybe, but every week might ruin the experience.



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