
What did you do well?

I feel like I was very committed to the subject (attending lectures / class) and taking what I learnt outside class. The constraints were really fun to do, and I found myself putting a lot of thought into what I would do for them. I also thought I did well at Korsakow (just not the exporting part). Worked well independently

What have you learnt to do better?

Use the program – as I didn’t know how to use it in the first place.
Look at other peoples blogs (the constraints)
Other short video sites – vimeo / vine
Not everything has to have a story – non-linear

What could you have learnt to do better?

Read instruction throughly and Korsakow – the program. I think more practise into this would have helped me a lot more, although I did all the basics of it, I feel as though if I put more time into doing projects independently (not class related) to get to know the program, this would have helped me throughout the sketch and to gain a larger understanding  of the program. Wrote more about the readings instead of just reading them (put that within my ‘contract’ next time).

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