Ah, the life of the theatre.

So for all those who are unaware, which is probably everyone, I am in a little production called The Addams Family. I am Morticia Addams. Today I am stuck outside the theatre, where I have been for over an hour, waiting for the techs to let us in. Organization 101: Book the theatre for the correct time, not 2 hours after the actors are scheduled to arrive.


The show opens tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. And we are a little unprepared. However, we’re rehearsing 24/7 to get this thing on the road (stage). I had to miss last week’s tute due to desperate rehearsals and it looks like I might have to miss tomorrow’s (the tute goes until 6.30 and the show starts at 7.30, awkward). But I’m a little concerned because I think we’ve got an assessment in class the week after which I’m probably not going to know what to do without being there tomorrow.


Ah, the life of the theatre.




Luckily, I’ve just checked and it’s week 5, so that makes it a bit better, I guess.



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