Learn, stress and reflect

First things first here is what I hope to learn from our next individual assignment

– how to pull apart a concept
– how to engage more throughout my media making
– I want to understand how to reflect the concept through media making in terms of audio
– how do we gage in a deeper understanding of the topics that interest us
– I want to understand the best way to communicate my ideas


I am stressing, I have 13 days to get everything complete, so I have to be super on board and up to date with everything. I plan to record all my footage tomorrow and have it all edited and handed in by the end of the week. So for me I feel like I won’t have much time to learnt these things in class but none the less I will try my hardest to work on all these things.


  • I turned up to class
  • I actually listened and really thought about what was spoken in class and am on my way to writing a blog about it.
  • I can probably work on being more vocal in class, I need to definitely work on that




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