This cafe has beautiful lighting 

BLOG NO. 3 This cafe has beautiful lighting 

An idea that been on my mind goes very hand in hand with lighting and what we’ve learnt.

I often sit in cafes much like I sit on the train and observe the light that falls through the windows in addition to the interior light and such. I think the soft light on people faces is really subtle and quite beautiful. I also love how especially at this time of the year the sun goes in an out very sparingly so getting harsh light comes and goes and always creates different lighting effect.

An idea I have had is to (using my new camera) take friends or people of for coffee in different cafes and just film the lighting and how it hits their face and hands. I would love to do a variety of shot with lots of close ups and different angles to capture how the light falls differently.

I would have the short videos be a minute each (ish) and do a variety of them that just really show how natural lighting falls in different locations. Perhaps this is something I can do over the holiday period and this way I get to practice both my filming and editing skills and really work on creating short, sharp pieces.

Here is an example of the cafe I am currently in and these beautiful windows allow for the light to fall softly onto customers face. In addition to this the window is broken up into small squares which create really lovely elements of shadow.

Here is also a little video i just threw together to show some of the lighting that I notice and observe during my journey to and from uni. We have a lot of bus replacements at the moment and so whilst i was sitting on this mostly empty bus I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly beautiful the light was. It was constantly changing with different shadows falling over different people, different colours of light were seeping through the window. Whilst i didn’t have my camera on me to capture what it actually looked like I just used my phone to capture parts of it. I love filming little things like this because it really gives me great inspiration and ideas for things I would love to film and put together.

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